A multitude of loan schemes for the development of businesses and industries in order to enrich the lives of the members, for their and their children's education, as well as for festivals, travels…
For small scale productions such as incense sticks, yoghurt, mushrooms, candles, fire crackers, etc
Maximum Amount Rs. 100,000/-
Duration 18 months
For small businesses like retail, peddlers, markets etc
Maximum Amount Rs. 100,000/-
Duration 18 months
For short term agricultural crops
Maximum Amount Rs. 100,000/-
Duration 06 months
For projects like breeding chickens, goats, pigs, pet fish and pet dogs etc
Maximum Amount Rs. 200,000/-
Duration 18 months
For additional sources of income such as sewing clothes / rugs, weaving, making decorative designs, etc
Maximum Amount Rs. 75,000/-
Duration 12 months
In case of urgent need of money for the business or a project
Maximum Amount Rs. 50,000/-
Period 03 months
A Jewelery Pawning Service at Head Office and Salmal Uyana Branch for your urgent cash needs…
(for Government & Recognized Private Sector Organizations)
(for small scale industrial entrepreneurs)